
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

We All Need A Friend: Petey Possum's Story

Gabany, S. and Berry, A. (2015). We All Need A Friend: Petey Possum's Story. Paducah, KY: No Name Press.

Children's Picture Book / Rhyming / Problem Solving

I gave this book 5 out of 5 Stars

In this We All Need A Friend story, readers meet Petey Possum, whose father is a woodchuck, mother is a muskrat, and who has badger and ferret siblings. Petey and his siblings are adopted and the story shows that his family is just like any other loving family. And Petey is just like any other kid, sleeping-in, oblivious to the sounds outside and the calls of his mom. Petey's home life is really just a sideline to the main story, which is that Margie Mouse's dad has gone missing. Margie turns to her good friend Petey, and as good friends do, Petey rallies all the farm animals to help find Margie's dad.

Through nicely balanced rhyming, author Steve Gabany manages to tell an interesting, multi-part story that also teaches several good lessons. By bringing in a variety of animals, in all different shapes and sizes, the best lesson is that all creatures can work together, for a common good, if they're just willing. This point can parlay nicely into discussions about the human world and how people from all walks of life can also work together, if they're just willing.  

Gabany has again partnered with the incredibly talented Arlene Berry, who provides the multimedia illustrations that are a real treat for the eyes. There is no white space to be found, and the wide variety of colors, textures, and images are sure to keep kids studying the pages. I especially enjoyed the use of post cards and letters with cursive writing, which may pique younger readers' curiosity since cursive writing is practically a thing of the past. 

I recommend this book, like the others from Gabany & Berry, for young ones up to first or second grade and further recommend purchasing the print version for the best experience - the pages are best viewed in full spread, so two gorgeous pages are viewed seamlessly, side-by-side.  
Thank you to the author for providing me an eBook copy in exchange for my honest review -- the only kind I give.

To learn more, follow author Steve Gabany on FacebookTwitter, or Goodreads!