
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Deadly Shore ~ ~ Audio Book Tour, Review, Audio Excerpt, & Giveaway!

Author: Andrew Cunningham

Narrator: Greg Hernandez

Length: 6h 46m

Publisher: Andrew Cunningham

Genre: Mystery/Thriller


It's July 5th, and the Cape Cod roadways are clogged with tourists heading home from the holiday weekend and trying to outrun an approaching potentially catastrophic hurricane. But in the blink of an eye, their lives are thrown into chaos when terrorists bring down the bridges to the Cape. Instantly, a half million terrified people have no way to escape. And when the terrorists threaten to release anthrax on the captive population if their demands aren't met, fear turns to all-out panic.

With time running out, Marcus Baldwin, a private investigator and former CIA operative, and Sara Cross, a disgraced ex-homicide detective, are brought together by a sole clue to the identity of the terrorists. They quickly realize that they may be the only ones with even a chance at stopping the plot before it's too late.

With Hurricane Chad barreling up the coast on a path for a direct hit on Cape Cod, it becomes frighteningly clear to everyone trapped on what has now become an island - one way or another they are probably all going to die.

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HALL WAYS REVIEW: What a chilling premise: it’s the height of tourist season, a hurricane is barreling its way towards Cape Cod, and there’s been a multi-front terrorist attack. As if that’s not enough to keep the reader’s interest piqued, add the element that the terrorists have a back-up plan for complete and thorough devastation.

There are several storylines going at once, which gives readers a wider view of the impact of both the natural and unnatural elements happening on the island.  Readers not only follow the primary story of private investigator (and more) Marcus Baldwin and ex-detective Sara Cross hunting down the terrorists, but readers also see the side stories: people stranded on a ferry boat, cars plunging into the water when a bridge explodes, a book club meeting that goes into survival mode, and a thief who can’t escape the crime scene.

My favorite secondary story was that of Anna, a tough-as-nails elderly woman who doesn’t take crap from anyone. She’s a survivor and so clever.  Cunningham’s skilled characterization shows best in the Anna scenes and makes-up for a few others that fell a little flat or into the cliché zone. The side-stories are where readers get just a touch of comic relief -- especially with the ladies trapped at their book club. The only side-story that didn’t seem to fit was the awkward relationship between Marcus and Sara; I think this is supposed to be a romance? Or maybe it was convenience sex? Whatever it was, it lacked any spark and really added very little if anything to the story.

Author Andrew Cunningham does an excellent job of showing across-the-board chaos and panic. He realistically depicts the best and worst of the human condition and how people either rise and work together or turn on each other to survive. You gotta love a story where local law bands together for a greater purpose. They are all in because they signed-up to protect and serve.  

Deadly Shore has more than a few surprises, and the story is unsettling from the respect of it being so realistic in this awful world of both domestic and international terrorism.

ABOUT THE AUDIO NARRATION: I listened at 1.25x speed, which seemed perfect for the pace of the book. I enjoyed narrator Greg Hernandez’s reading and thought that he excelled with several of the characters. (especially the bad guys!) I never had any trouble keeping the parts straight, and the story was told from a lot of different perspectives, which Hernandez handled without a glitch. I would listen to another book narrated by Hernandez (and even look for them) – and hope for another in this series.

Thank you to Audiobookworm Promotions and the author for providing me a free audio download of this book in exchange for my honest opinion – the only kind I give.

ANDREW CUNNINGHAM:  I was born in England, but have spent most of my life living in the U.S.—including 25 years on Cape Cod before moving to Florida. A former interpreter for the deaf and long-time independent bookseller, I've been a full-time freelance writer and copy editor for many years. A 4th-degree Master Blackbelt in Tang Soo Do, I finally retired from active training when my body said, "Enough already! Why are you doing this to yourself?" I'm married, with two grown children and two awesome grandsons. My wife and I spend as much time traveling as we can, and are especially fond of cruising the Caribbean.
​I have been gratified by the response to my books. When I published Eden Rising back in the spring of 2013, I had no idea what to expect. When I sold my first few copies, I was excited beyond belief that someone was willing to take a chance on it. Numerous books and thousands of copies later, I am still humbled by the emails I get from readers telling me that my books kept them up late into the night.

In October of 2014, Wisdom Spring made me an official Amazon Bestselling author, a thrill I never thought would happen. But it still comes down to being able to bring a few hours of escape to a reader. That's what it's all about for me.

GREG HERNANDEZ. For more than 20 years I worked as a radio news reporter and news writer. I spent half of my broadcasting career at ABC News Radio in the Washington, D.C., bureau. I covered all the federal agencies as well as Congress and the White House. I reported on a wide range of stories during my career, including financial and entertainment industry news.

I have worked as a federal government spokesman at three separate agencies for more than 20 years. At the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, U.S. Commerce Department), I introduced podcasting in 2005 just a few weeks before Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States. The 19 podcasts I narrated and produced from August 2005 to June 2007 were downloaded more than 600,000 times during that period. They're still online at the following link.

I enjoy narrating audio books because it gives me great satisfaction bringing to life books of all genres, especially mysteries and thrillers.

Giveaway: $50 Amazon Gift Card

1 Winner⎮Runs June 21st-28th⎮Open internationally

Jun. 21st: Kristina Stanley

Jun. 22nd: Dab of Darkness

Jun. 23rd:

Jun. 24th:

Jun. 25th:

Jun. 26th:

Jun. 27th:

➜Sign up as a host here


  1. Excellent post! This book sounds like such an interesting and intriguing read! Looking forward to checking it out!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I think reading it with your eyes or ears is a good choice.
