Thirteen years ago this month, I was *forced* to create a blog as part of the requirements for a class I was taking while working on my Master's of Library Science. Dr. Karin Perry was my professor then at Sam Houston State University, and she gets the credit (blame?) for opening the floodgates that resulted in my having a platform to share my opinions on the books I was *forced* to read, along with those that were read for pleasure. Quite often, the books were one and the same. (Check out my 2019 Lone Star Listens interview with Dr. Perry.)
Nine years ago today, on July 23, 2015, my first post published as a blogger for Lone Star Book Blog Tours. It was an author interview with Texas Author Lisa Wingate and promoting her then latest book, The Story Keeper. Both our careers grew by leaps and bounds from there (hers not in any part due to my post, and mine having much to do with that post).
It was in January of that next year that I was hired as the blog tour coordinator for LSBBT, and just a few short years later, I bought Lone Star Literary Life and let my bookish passion truly take flight. I poured all of my time and energy into LSLL, and I am proud of what I built there. But the irony was that despite my world being all about the books, I didn't have much time for blogging, and I didn't have the time to read unless I was reading with my ears. Good thing I adore audiobooks.
And now, after nearly 1200 posts on my blog, I'm back where I started (minus studying for a degree) as a blogger, and it feels like the perfect place for me: retired-ish and slowly starting to just READ BOOKS and share by love for them with anyone interested.
Happy Bloggerversary to me!