Despite their mistrust, Jackie and Avery join forces to unmask the truth—before the death toll mounts even higher.
Bestseller Kelly Irvin is back with a nail-biting romantic suspense where nothing is certain until the very last page.
“A gripping story that will have you on the edge of your seat until ‘The End.’” —Patricia Bradley, author of The Logan Point Series, Memphis Cold Case Novels, Natchez Trace Parkway Rangers series
“Explosive, tender, and races all the way through!” —Jennifer Graeser Dornbush, author, screenwriter, and forensic specialist
Thomas Nelson | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-A-Million | Christianbook.com

Ten List Favorites
Jackie Santoro, main character in
Every Move
by Kelly Irvin
FOOD: Her grandmother’s minesta
d’orzo (Italian barley soup)
ICE CREAM: Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate
SINGER: Lady Gaga
Antonio Spurs
Wrinkle in Time
tour of author homes in Europe
PET PEEVE: Books that end with a
HOBBY: DIY projects in her house
(she built her own built-in bookshelves)
(but she’s
willing to get to know dogs)

REVIEW. We all know that librarians are superheroes, but what a
delight it is reading Her Every Move by Kelly Irvin and meeting Jackie
Santoro, San Antonio public librarian. Admittedly, a story that revolves around
a bookish person and her bookish world is going to pique my interest. This
story has the added elements of the San Antonio setting, an explosive
(literally) plot, gripping suspense, and an undercurrent of budding romance – everything
needed for a thoroughly satisfying reading experience.
“Make no assumptions without all the facts.
Librarians knew how to research.”
But back to the stacks. It’s
clear that author Kelly Irvin respects the jobs librarians are tasked with
doing, and she regularly and realistically interjects the challenges and
realities of the modern librarian. Jackie’s job is adult collections
coordinator and event coordinator, but as is the case with most librarians,
what her job entails goes well beyond that scope. Irvin also underscores the
education and intellect required for a librarian to get the jobs done, and her
writing shakes off the outdated perceptions of the stuffy library and librarian.
Irvin clearly respects the
institution of the library itself, and the San Antonio Central Library plays as
much a part of the story as the rest of the city and its landmarks do. The city,
its traditions and vibe, breathes life into Her Every Move. The book is
a beautiful ode to San Antonio, whether you know the town or not, yet it is
disturbing in that such a light and festive place could be the stuff of nightmares.
It’s a grim reminder of the world we are in, where among us are ticking time
bombs, motivated to commit mass murder for reasons we can’t grasp.
The category of romantic
suspense is perfect for Her Every Move because it is not a romance – and
I love that! Jackie and Avery have a developing interest in each other, and it’s
almost as afterthoughts that they each realize they are thinking about the other.
Even then, each is able to write-off the thoughts because they are in turns
infuriated and infatuated with each other. This seemed a natural way to handle
their feelings given the horrors that keep bringing them together. It would have
been odd to me that amid death and destruction, a romance would have taken
center stage, and Irvin handled the development perfectly for me and wrapped-up
the romance exactly how one with a librarian should be.
“He changed personalities
like a chameleon changed colors.”
Readers will enjoy the contrasts
between and commonalities shared by main characters Jackie Santoro and Detective
Avery Wick. He likes dogs; she likes
cats. She’s a librarian; he doesn’t read. He struggles with faith; she leans
heavily on the Lord. Both are able to
push aside the horrific sights, sounds, and smells that bombard through crisis,
but they also succumb to them and to loss and feel overwhelmed. Irvin does an
excellent job of showing each character’s humanity and making believable, relatable
characters. She also writes in quirky
aspects to Jackie’s and Avery’s personalities that make readers invested and rooting
for them to find their way to each other.
Given all that’s happened
and how heavily Jackie and the city have been affected by the time we get to
the climax of Her Every Move, Irvin does ask readers to suspend their
disbelief and put aside pragmatism a bit. On the other hand, in looking at our
current world, the behaviors of many of its occupants, and the decisions being
made by city leaders, perhaps Irvin is spot-on. In any case, listening to Her
Every Move was time well-spent, and I am thrilled to have a new go-to
author when I’m looking for a well-crafted and engaging suspense fix.
Williams does an excellent job voicing the huge cast of characters, male and
female, sober and drunk. Her Texas twang is a little over the top, but then
again, I’ve encountered more than a few southerners who sound that way. Williams infuses just the right amount of
emotion into scenes but also puts the perfect chill in the voice of the killer.
Other than a few mispronunciations that caught my ear, she gives a great
performance with perfect, even pacing; I listened to all twelve hours at
regular speed.
After reading all the
fabulous reviews, I bought a copy of the audio book to have an escape of my
own. Thank you to the Lone Star Lit blogger team for stoking my interest in Her
Every Move.

(US ONLY. Ends midnight, CDT, 4/3/2021)
for direct links to each post on this tour, updated daily,
or visit the blogs directly:
3/24/21 |
Excerpt |
3/24/21 |
BONUS Promo |
3/25/21 |
Review |
3/25/21 |
BONUS Top Ten |
3/26/21 |
Review |
3/27/21 |
Guest Post |
3/28/21 |
Scrapbook Page |
3/29/21 |
Review |
3/30/21 |
Author Interview |
3/31/21 |
Review |
4/1/21 |
Audio Book Review |
4/2/21 |
Review |
4/2/21 |
BONUS Promo |
Thanks for hosting this top 10 list! Jackie is my favorite librarian. I agree with her--don't end books w/cliffhangers!