Friday, August 2, 2024

The Dying Season by Rachel Amphlett


A Detective Kay Hunter Novel
Book #12

British Police Procedural / Women Detectives / Murder Mystery
Saxon Publishing
February 6, 2023
301 Pages

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Kindle   ***   Audiobook

HALL WAYS REVIEW: It's always a delight to return to the oh-so-British world of Detective Kay Hunter. I usually read this series with my ears, but I snagged a deal on Kindle and read the eBook this time. Naturally, with eleven prior audiobooks in the series, all swimming in my head, I was able to hear the voices of all the favorites on Kay's team and in her life. 

As Kay's climbed the ladder in the police force, she's evolved into an even more confident and effective leader than ever. I've enjoyed watching this growth and the obstacles thrown at her through the process. She's a commanding presence now and taken seriously, and I love that. But, as is with real life and the burden of being so responsible and accountable, she's lost some of her lightness, and there's less time for her -- and readers -- to enjoy the amazing relationship she has with Adam in her personal life.

What struck me about The Dying Season was how differently all things related to guns is handled in the UK versus the US. There's a horrible crime committed outside a pub in Kent, UK, and it's practically a national emergency to find the killer and justice for the victim. Gun violence is nearly unheard of due to the stringent laws to own a gun at all. Everyone's in a panic with the gunman on the loose, so all resources are pooled to solve the case. How refreshing it would be if shootings were so rare.  I was reading this book on the heels of the 4th of July in the US where there'd been 100 shootings in the Chicago area alone, so the contrast was even more astounding. And honestly, it made me sad for the state of my own country. 

Of the twelve books in the series that I've read so far, I think this is the most police-procedural heavy of them, but especially given the difference between UK and US procedures, it is a great story. There's plenty of action and edge-of-your-seat moments, and the urgency to get the case solved is palpable. 

I'm a fan, and I look forward to diving into the next installment, A DEADLY PROMISE, which published in February of this year. 

*forgive the broken links on the posts*


Before turning to writing, USA Today bestselling crime author Rachel Amphlett played guitar in bands, worked as a TV and film extra, dabbled in radio as a presenter and freelance producer for the BBC, and worked in publishing as an editorial assistant.

She now wields a pen instead of a plectrum and writes crime fiction with over 30 novels and short stories featuring spies, detectives, vigilantes, and assassins.

Rachel’s stories are available in eBook, print and audiobook formats from libraries and retailers as well as her own shop on this website.

A keen traveler and accidental private investigator, Rachel has both Australian and British citizenship.

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