A Funny and Reflective Look
at Single Motherhood
Adult Nonfiction / HUMOR / Topic / Marriage & Family
Publisher: Cynren Press
Publication Date: March 2021
Pages: 174 pages
Content Rating: PG-13: No violence, but a smlattering of profanity (including the F-word) and discussion of bad marriages.

Book Description:
They put the tiny, red-faced bundle into her arms, and time stopped. She gazed at that puckered little face and whispered, Welcome to the world, baby girl. Little did she know that within weeks, she would become a single mother—not exactly what she had imagined for her daughters and herself, but exactly what needed to happen. This is the story of a single mother, but it’s more than that. Sometimes funny, sometimes reflective, it’s also your story—a story of that peculiar, trying, and wonderful state of motherhood.
In Superwoman: A Funny and Reflective Look at Single Motherhood, popular humor blogger Mona Andrei brings you her sage and snickery insights on being a single mom, with all its gore and glory. Through a series of interviews, you’ll also get a voyeuristic peek into the lives of other single mothers—and don’t we all love that feeling of Thank goodness, I’m not the only one! We’re all superwomen here.
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Interview with Author Mona Andrei:
What genre do you most enjoy writing?
I love writing humor and memoir the best. That said, I’m also writing a book about a serial killer. Just so we’re clear, this one is not a memoir.
What is the last great book you read?
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. I also want to mention that I saw the movie recently. It was also really good!
Do you write every day?
I have to. Writing is also my day job – I’m a content and marketing writer for a tech company. That said, writing is also my passion so I feel fortunate that I get to write every day. It’s not a chore, it’s something I get to look forward to every morning as I wake up. I feel fortunate and never take this for granted.
What’s the one thing you want readers to remember about you?
That I write for them first. Of course, people will tell you that you have to write for yourself, but I like to keep readers in mind when I write. I want them to feel what I’m sharing. Sometimes I call this infotainment.
Since your book SUPERWOMAN is about your life as a single mother, does the father of your children know that you published a book about your experiences?
Funny story. When the book first came out, I heard from one of my daughters that he was concerned. I told her to tell him that it’s not a man-bashing book. That said, Anne Lamott has a great quote about this: “If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.” How profound is that for a memoirist?!
Meet the Author:
Mona Andrei’s adulting journey took an unexpected turn when she realized that the father of her children was not committed to the family they had started together. At the time, she was twenty-four years old. With a baby in her arms and a toddler in tow, she soon realized that everything had fallen on her shoulders, including any chance for a secure future for her and her girls. With humor and candor as her strongest tools for survival, she went from struggling single mother to accomplished wordsmith to member of an award-winning advertising team to top 100 humor blogger. Today, she continues her journey, writing and speaking about her experiences as a single mother with a focus on changing the way that single mothers are respected and appreciated in the workplace: a
win–win for both. connect with the author:
ONE WINNER: signed copy of SUPERWOMAN:
A Funny and Reflective Look at Single Motherhood
(USA and Canada; ends September 2, 2022)
Superwoman: by Mona Andrei Book Tour Giveaway
Tour Schedule:
Aug 12 - Rockin' Book Reviews - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Aug 16 - A Mama's Corner of the World - book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 22 - Stephanie Jane - book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 26 - Novels Alive - book spotlight / giveaway

Thank you for featuring SUPERWOMAN, Kristine!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure. I remember the rough & rewarding days of single-momming-it very well. Glad you wrote something to help.