Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Lilac Code ~ Lone Star Book Blog Tours Review & Giveaway!

Genre: Cozy Mystery / Romance / Women Sleuths
Publisher: Clear Creek Publishing
Date of Publication: June 25, 2018
Number of Pages: 262

Scroll down for giveaway!

Named 2019 Best Women’s Detective Fiction, Texas Association of Authors

Will a case of mistaken identity be the death of her?

Madison Reynolds is looking forward to a few days of rest and relaxation. Her best friend Genny is judging a celebrity bake-off near DC, so it’s the perfect opportunity for a girls' getaway. With fun-loving Granny Bert in tow, the trio heads to the very heart of the Intel community. Deep in alphabet soup territory—surrounded by CIA, NSA, FBI and more—it takes only moments for things to go awry.

A mix-up at the airport leaves Madison with the wrong luggage, and a last-minute change in accommodations lands them at The Columbia Inn at Peralynna. How can they know its ties to the spy world will soon spin them into its web?

Designed as a CIA safe house, the inn has a fascinating history. When it seems a mysterious man in a dark coat is following her, Madison scoffs at her over-action imagination. She’s listened to too many spy tales, spun by the innkeeper herself. The stories of espionage and agents are intriguing, but too incredible to be real. The Texans know nothing about secret codes and counterintelligence. They’ve never heard of The Lilac Code, or the illusive agent-for-hire known simply as Kalypso.

Back home in The Sisters, a drama is unfolding that involves Madison’s precious twins. She’s raised them to do the right thing, no matter the consequence, but will their quest for justice put them in danger?

Thrust into impossible situations of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, the twins risk everything to save their school, while deep in spy territory, Madison and Genny race against the clock—and the elements—to save Granny Bert’s life.

The award-winning The Sisters, Texas Mystery Series continues in this exciting Book 7. This is a stand-alone book but best when enjoyed as part of the full series experience.

HALL WAYS REVIEW: I make no secret that most of the time, what most entices me to read a book is its cover. (Because of my cover snobbery, I have missed or delayed reading some great stories.) From the time The Lilac Code had its cover reveal last year, I wanted to read it. The cover evokes mystery and a little danger and has an air of creepy to it that drew me right in. Alas, as the seventh book in a series that I hadn’t started, I thought the love affair with The Lilac Code ended with the cover. (I mean, who doesn’t start a series with book one and read a series in order? Is this even allowed?)

As luck would have it, Ms. Willis opted to bring the whole dang series to Lone Star for a Reviewapalooza to celebrate book eight’s publication. Since I have some influence *cough* with the book blog tours, I ended-up being assigned The Lilac Code for my stop on the tour. I was required to break book law and jump-in without reading the prior six books. Sometimes we have to do the tough stuff in life.

In The Lilac Code, the mystery stands alone and we learn a lot about the characters and their lives to this point as the stories unfold. Yes, stories, plural, as there are two complete storylines happening in The Lilac Code: one outside of Washington DC, the other in The Sisters, Texas. Author Becky Willis does a great job at getting readers up-to-speed by bringing in prior books’ events and characters in an organic way. But be warned: learning about all the adventures and escapades also piques the reader’s interest in learning more, so if you plan on reading this one, clear your schedule to read seven more books (six prior, one after). Hmmm. Maybe it IS a big deal jumping in at book seven.

For those concerned about leaving Texas to spend time in DC, don’t. With a high interest secondary plot happening in The Sisters, readers get a taste of the small-town Texas vibe, the tightly-knit community, and the colorful characters. It’s enough to satisfy but also enough to make a reader yearn for more.  Fortunately, in exchange for giving up some Texas time, what readers get is the very cool, and very real Columbia Inn at Peralynna, around which the mystery unfolds. Willis does an excellent job of casting the air of suspicion upon all aspects of the lodging and the people found there and does well in describing the myriad twists and turns contained within this place. (I’ve got to visit.) The “Note from the Author” at the end of the story gives more information about how this place came to be the setting of her book – and an interesting tidbit about the origin of one of the characters.

The book needs more proofreading to clean-up some SPAG errors, and at times, the characters veer into making political statements that may fit their viewpoints but don’t feel authentic and come off forced. However, those few shortcomings aren’t enough to negate the terrific tale that Becki Willis tells. Willis’s strengths are in writing believable dialogue and realistic characters to whom readers can relate. This story, and my guess is all of the books in the series, is character driven. At the end, it feels like you’ve spent time with good friends – and yeah, dodged some enemies.

Laced with intrigue, humor, and a dash of romance, I highly recommend The Lilac Code – and I don’t think I’m really going out on a limb to say the whole The Sisters, Texas series.  Spending time within these pages was time happily spent, and I can’t wait to read book eight, Wildflower Wedding and THEN go back and start with book one, Chicken Scratch, moving forward from there.

Thank you to the author and Lone Star Book Blog Tours for providing me an eBook copy – which I didn’t read. Instead, I bought my own print copy (THAT COVER) to have and to hold and to read! No regrets. In exchange, I share my honest opinion – the only kind I give.

Becki Willis, best known for her popular The Sisters, Texas Mystery Series and Forgotten Boxes, always dreamed of being an author. In November of '13, that dream became a reality. 

Since that time, she has published numerous books, won first place honors for Best Mystery Series, Best Suspense Fiction, Best Women’s Detective Fiction, and Best Audio Book, won the 2018 RONE Award for Paranormal Fiction, and has introduced her imaginary friends to readers around the world. 

An avid history buff, Becki likes to poke around in old places and learn about the past. Other addictions include reading, writing, junking, unraveling a good mystery, and coffee. She loves to travel but believes coming home to her family and her Texas ranch is the best part of any trip. Becki is a member of the Association of Texas Authors, Writer’s League of Texas, Sisters in Crime, the National Association of Professional Women, and the Brazos Writers organization. She attended Texas A&M University and majored in Journalism.

Connect with Becki below. She loves to hear from readers and encourages feedback!

GRAND PRIZE: Signed Copy of Wildflower Wedding + $20 Amazon Gift Card
2nd Prize: $10 Amazon Gift Card
June 20-30, 2019
(U.S. Only) 


Chicken Scratch, #1
When the Stars Fall, #2
Stipulations & Complications, #3
Home Again: Starting Over, #4
Genny’s Ballad, #5
Christmas in The Sisters, #6
The Lilac Code, #7
Wildflower Wedding, #8
Wildflower Wedding, #8
BONUS Chicken Scratch
Wildflower Wedding, #8
Wildflower Wedding, #8
BONUS When the Stars Fall, #2
Wildflower Wedding, #8
Wildflower Wedding, #8
BONUS Stipulations & Complications, #3
Wildflower Wedding, #8
Wildflower Wedding, #8
BONUS Chicken Scratch
BONUS When the Stars Fall

   blog tour services provided by

Thursday, June 20, 2019

2019 Audiobook Challenge -- I'm half way in!

Audiobook Challenge 2019

It's time for the mid-point check-in on the Audiobook Challenge, 2019. I've listened to a bunch of audio books, but here's the thing... I don't remember how I challenged myself.  Here were the choices: 

Achievement Levels

  • Newbie (I’ll give it a try) 1-5
  • Weekend Warrior (I’m getting the hang of this) 5-10
  • Stenographer (can listen while multitasking) 10-15
  • Socially Awkward (Don’t talk to me) 15-20
  • Binge Listener (Why read when someone can do it for you) 20-30
  • My Precious (I had my earbuds surgically implanted) 30+
  • Marathoner (Look Ma No Hands) 50+

To date this year, I have read fourteen books with my ears:

Alt Truths by Alec Birri
Bridge to Burn by Rachel Amphlett
Shadow by Maureen A. Miller
As You Wish by Cary Elwes
The Shadow Writer by Eliza Maxwell
Winter Frost by Lauren Carr
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
The Handsome Man's Deluxe Cafe by Alexander McCall Smith
When the Men Were Gone by Marjorie Herrera Lewis

I wish I had time to add the covers and make my post purdy, but alas, I don't right now. I am feeling pretty smitten that I got this post done and before the deadline! Positive sign that I'm getting my bookish life back on track.

With fourteen audio books under my belt, that puts me on track to either be a Binge Listener or a My Precious... I think I'm going for My Precious! Who knows? Maybe I'll be a Marathoner! That would be fun since Lord knows my day of that status involving my running shoes is long gone. 

Thanks to Caffeinated Reviewer and Hot Listens for hosting!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

When the Men Were Gone ~ Lone Star Book Blog Tours Review, Author Video, & Giveaway!

  Genre: Historical / Biographical / Sports Fiction
Publisher: William Morrow 
Date of Publication: October 2, 2018
Number of Pages: 240

Scroll down for giveaway!

A cross between Friday Night Lights and The Atomic City Girls, When The Men Were Gone is a debut historical novel based on the true story of Tylene Wilson, a woman in 1940s Texas who, in spite of extreme opposition, became a female football coach in order to keep her students from heading off to war.

Football is the heartbeat of Brownwood, Texas. Every Friday night for as long as assistant principal Tylene Wilson can remember, the entire town has gathered in the stands, cheering their boys on. Each September brings with it the hope of a good season and a sense of unity and optimism.

Now, the war has changed everything. Most of the Brownwood men over eighteen and under forty-five are off fighting, and in a small town the possibilities are limited. Could this mean a season without football? But no one counted on Tylene, who learned the game at her daddy’s knee. She knows more about it than most men, so she does the unthinkable, convincing the school to let her take on the job of coach.

Faced with extreme opposition by the press, the community, rival coaches, and referees -- and even the players themselves -- Tylene remains resolute. And when her boys rally around her, she leads the team -- and the town -- to a Friday night and a subsequent season they will never forget.

Based on a true story, When the Men Were Gone is a powerful and vibrant novel of perseverance and personal courage.


"Sublimely ties together the drama of high school football, gender politics, and the impact of war on a small town in Texas.” – Best of Books, 2018, Sports Illustrated

“A beautiful story that stays in your heart long after you finish reading.” - Jodi Thomas, New York Times bestselling author

"Based on a true story that most people probably don’t know, readers will find plenty to love in Herrera Lewis’ debut." -- Kirkus Review

HALL WAYS REVIEW: AUDIO BOOK REVIEW. This fictionalized story of the very real Tylene Wilson was excellent, but the audio book narration by Eva Kaminsky was amazing.  Kaminsky sounds natural, and perfectly captures the Texas accent with just the right flair and inflections to her words. She's a real storyteller, and her narration raises WHEN THE MEN WERE GONE to the next level -- which is hard to do because the story is pretty darn good.

"Brownwood is that kind of town. You share what you have. Sometimes that means sharing a dog. Other times, it means sharing the pain."

What author Marjorie Lewis captures is the essence of small-town Texas -- not only during the book's setting during World War II, but in general, especially with the football is all and the women have their place mentality that persists.  Lewis describes it all and brings it vividly to life, warts and all, and gives readers a lot to chew on beyond the main conflict that must be resolved: is Brownwood going to have to cancel its football season because all the men are gone?

There is so much to like in this story: the relationship between Tylene and her husband John; the fond reflections of a happy childhood; the sprinkling of historical facts that enrich the story. And the story, of course. This is much more than a story about saving a football season; it is about a woman saving the lives of a town's high school boys who would surely enlist if there was nothing to keep them home.

Wally's Drug Store . . . Wally, killed in France
Hank's Appliances . . . Hank, killed in Italy by friendly fire during a training exercise
Cramer's Bakery . . . Cramer, a prisoner of war

What's always humming in the background is the impact the war has had on the town and its people. Every time a plane flies overhead, it's the sound of death as yet another fallen soldier is coming home.  There are some poignant pieces of writing that make the reader/listener stop and take a ragged breath and remember that there are no winners in war.

Not only was Tylene's story new to me, but I learned other bits of history. I hadn't realized that Camp Bowie housed thousands of American soldiers AND German POWs, for example.  And references to other events and people beyond the war -- the Zephyr tornado, the Galveston Giant, and Ma Ferguson -- had me looking up information to refresh my memory. All these fine details gave authenticity and perfectly contextualized WHEN THE MEN WERE GONE.

My only complaint is with the ending. Yes, readers know how the main plot conflict was resolved: we know who wins the big game, etc., and this may be enough for some readers/listeners. But what about Tylene? Did she continue to coach the team? Did the town ever fully accept her as the coach -- or even thank her for what she did? Given the book was a fictionalized biography, I wish the author had shared the results of her research. An epilogue or author's note to tell us the facts of the rest of Tylene's story would have made this book perfect, but as I said before, it came pretty darn close to perfection.

I obviously heard about this book from Lone Star Book Blog Tours, but I purchased the audio copy on my own, with no strings attached to write a review from anyone but myself.  My review is my honest opinion -- the only kind I give.

Debut author Marjorie Herrera Lewis talks about her journey from writer to novelist.

Marjorie Herrera Lewis is an award-winning sportswriter, named the first female Dallas Cowboys beat writer when she was with the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. She later joined the SportsDay staff of The Dallas Morning News, where she continued to cover the NFL and professional tennis. She is currently a contributing sportswriter for PressBoxDFW.com. 

While writing When the Men Were Gone, she became inspired to try her hand at coaching football herself and was added to the Texas Wesleyan University football coaching staff in December 2016. Marjorie has degrees from Arizona State University, The University of Texas in Arlington, Southern New Hampshire University, and certificates from Southern Methodist University, and Cornell University. She is married and has two grown daughters and one son-in-law.
June 18-28, 2019

Author Video & BONUS Review
Hall Ways Blog
BONUS Review
Author Interview
Scrapbook Page
Playlist & BONUS Review
Guest Post

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