Friday, February 16, 2018

Lone Star Book Blog Tours 2017 Bloggers' Choice Awards ~ ~ ~ ~ Best Non-Fiction History, Best Biography / Memoir, & Best Western

The Lone Star Book Blog Tours team has voted, and the results are in!  From Best Fiction to Most Engaged Author, we have seventeen awards to hand out to the awesome Texas books and authors featured on Lone Star Book Blog Tours in 2017.

From February 15-23, 2018, please join us as we hop around the LSBBT blogs and share the winners, runners-up, and shortlisted titles. Don’t miss it!


MY TWO CENTS: I was fortunate enough to get to read and review (click titles to view) several of these books on their blog tours. I am a huge fan of the Big Bend area and have traveled there many times, but Yonderings blew me away and even months after reading it, I am yearning to go back there. And, WOW, did I learn a lot about some real jewels of West Texas politics in A Witness to History and Equal Opportunity Hero. Reading these two books made me long for when people took positions of office because they cared about people, communities, and the common good. I didn't get to read Understanding Cemetery Symbols (yet), but I did give out two copies for Christmas presents and the recipients were THRILLED. 

 Click to learn more about:
Understanding Cemetery Symbols by Tui Snider
Yonderings by Ben English
A Witness to History by Janet Neugebauer
Baugh to Brady by Lew Freedman
Equal Opportunity Hero by Phil Price
Of Bulletins and Booze by Bob Horton


MY TWO CENTS: Yonderings was truly one of my favorite books of last year (see above), but The Rebirth of Hope and Bending Angels were right up there on the list, too. Talk about inspirational! These two stories of perseverance and commitment left me feeling awestruck and grateful for the many blessings in my own life. 
 Click to learn more about:
Yonderings by Ben English
The Rebirth of Hope by Sau Le Hudecek
Of Bulletins and Booze by Bob Horton
Bending Angels by Jack Emmott
Equal Opportunity Hero by Phil Price

MY TWO CENTS: If you read my post yesterday, you know that I can't say enough about the Sawbones series. Blood Oath and Badlands truly transported me to another place -- and made me want to be as bad-ass as main character Laura! Sadly, I didn't get to read any of these others, and now I am really jones-ing to since they were voted up! Author Linda Broday is about the nicest person I have ever met and clearly is a crazy talented writer. Have both of these series on the TBR list. 

Click to learn more about:


Thank you for following along! If you are a Texas author or have a Texas book you'd like to take on tour with Lone Star Book Blog Tours, just fill out the contact form (bottom of the blog page) and I'll hook you up!  Want to be a part of the LSBBT blogger team? Click the "Texas Blogger" tab on this blog and then fill out the contact form if you think you are a good fit for the group! 

We love our Texas books, Texas authors, and Texas bloggers!


  1. Replies
    1. It's fun, isn't it? Hoping they are seeing our posts!

  2. I'm so honored to be listed with these amazing writers!! What a tremendous blessing. Kristine, I am seeing your posts. Two thumbs up!

    1. Thank you, Linda! And thank YOU for being so awesome!

  3. Kristine,

    Just got back to the computer after a few days and find this. Wow. Thank you for this honor; I find myself both humbled and grateful to think that 'Yonderings' has been so well received by people of the literary world such as you and your fellow bloggers. Thank you!

    And congratulations to my fellow authors listed.

    With sincere thanks and appreciation,

    Ben H. English
    Alpine, Texas

    1. You're most welcome, Ben. You are a gifted writer, and I hope we can look forward to more of your stories.
